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Master Kotlin with daily tutorials and challenges

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Master your coding skills

If you're a coder, professional or amateur, then Coding Kotlin is the place for you! We upload coding tutorials and challenges every day here and on our YouTube channel. Better yet, you can challenge your skills each day with a coding challenge on our Instagram and an educational programming tip.

Regardless of experience, Coding Kotlin is the place for you. Start mastering your developer skills now by checking out our YouTube account and following our Instagram!

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We have an Instagram account!

Want daily coding tips and Kotlin challenges to sharpen your skills as a programmer? Follow our Instagram, @CodingKotlin. Every single day we post a daily programming tip to give you advice on your coding! We also post a daily coding challenge for you to take a look at small code and figure out what the output is. Sharpen your developer skills twice a day by following @CodingKotlin.

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